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May 10: With Mother’s Day coming up, we salute farm moms everywhere by featuring one of their own--Gerri Eide of Gettysburg, South Dakota--on today’s show. May 9: One year after it was formed, the Appletree Rensselaer child care center in Rensselaer, Indiana, is reporting success. Appleseed Childhood Education President Adam Alson, a local farmer, says up to 70 children are enrolled in the program and roughly 100 families are on a waiting list for potential new slots. May 8: A U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee heard testimony from Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on U.S.D.A.’s 2025 budget request. During his appearance, he stressed how dramatic the loss of farms and farmland has been over the last 40 years. May 6-7: Tom Buis, CEO of the American Carbon Alliance, commented on two biofuels topics: one on a guidance released by the U.S. Treasury Department concerning use of the GREET model for evaluating the environmental impact on fuels in the U.S., and the other was about what he maintains is an unfair competitive advantage Brazilian sugarcane ethanol has over U.S. biofuels in the production of sustainable aviation fuel. May 3: The North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center put on a recent webinar detailing a Nevada case study of ag stress, resiliency, and mental wellness. The webinar video is archived here. May 2: The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to assist rural small businesses (including farms) in adopting renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements. The nonprofit Solar United Neighbors is offering to assist farmers in applying for REAP grants. Applications open June 30. May 1: An episode of the Farm+Food+Facts podcast from U.S. Farmers and Ranchers in Action focused on the nutritional value and benefits of soy. April 30: Five years have passed since multiple ag organizations partnered to form Farmers for Soil Health, a group that obtained a $95 million USDA grant to accelerate the use of cover crops by farmers as a climate smart practice. A recent podcast by the group illustrated the progress made in the last five years. April 29: The Renewable Fuels Association put out a statement about the recent waiver given by the Environmental Protection Agency to allow year-round sales of E-15 blended gasoline. April 26: Farm Journal did some research on farmer impressions of “Smart Farming” technologies. One finding: older farmers are likelier than younger farmers to adopt new tech and practices. April 25: While individual broods of cicadas emerge almost every year, 2024 is unusual in that two broods will appear in the same year, even though they are on different cycles--one on a 13-year cycle, the other on a 17-year cycle. The Kansas State University Extension radio program, Plantorama, shares more on the subject (episode for 4/12/2024).