How to Become an Affiliate

© 2007-2025, North Shore Productions

Is your station doing enough to serve the local farming community? When I owned and managed a couple of local stations long ago, I

once asked a farmer about that. His answer? It’s never enough! Farmers are heavy radio listeners and they tune in frequently to hear

the information that helps their business operations. It’s an audience that many other local businesses want to reach, businesses

like farm suppliers and implement dealers, lending institutions, auto dealers, and professionals like accountants and attorneys.

Farm to Fork talks to that farm and ranch audience, but it also appeals to the nonfarm listener. Interest in food and how it’s

produced is at an all-time high and F2F has that covered. Not everyone farms, but everyone eats!

All F2F programs are first-run and work with almost any format. Production values are top notch. And stations and their listeners

love the show. So do local sponsors. Many affiliates report that the show has been an easy sell with long-term results.

I grew up on a Minnesota farm and I’ve worked full-time in radio since 1979 and in syndicated farm programming since 1996. I’ll be

happy to talk with you about the show any time. In the meantime, you can hear current episodes of the program here and learn more

about the mechanics of F2F on my FAQ page.

I appreciate your interest!

Darrell Anderson, producer/host

Farm to Fork

How to Become an Affiliate

© 2007-2020 North Shore Productions

Is your station doing enough to serve the

local farming community? When I owned

and managed a couple of local stations long

ago, I once asked a farmer about that. His

answer? It’s never enough! Farmers are

heavy radio listeners and they tune in

frequently to hear the information that

helps their business operations. It’s an

audience that many other local businesses

want to reach, businesses like farm

suppliers and implement dealers, lending

institutions, auto dealers, and

professionals like accountants and


Farm to Fork talks to that farm and ranch

audience, but it also appeals to the

nonfarm listener. Interest in food and how

it’s produced is at an all-time high and F2F

has that covered. Not everyone farms, but

everyone eats!

All F2F programs are first-run and work

with almost any format. Production values

are top notch. And stations and their

listeners love the show. So do local

sponsors. Many affiliates report that the

show has been an easy sell with long-term


I grew up on a Minnesota farm and I’ve

worked full-time in radio since 1979 and in

syndicated farm programming since 1996.

I’ll be happy to talk with you about the

show any time. In the meantime, you can

hear current episodes of the program here

and learn more about the mechanics of F2F

on my FAQ page.

I appreciate your interest!

Darrell Anderson, producer/host

Farm to Fork